Monday, November 5, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Go black, Save enery

An all white web page uses about 74 watts to display, while an all black page uses only 59 watts.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Last day at office

Today is my last day at office. Its such a different feeling. I dont know whether it is me or its the great atmosphere at my work place that is already making me nostalgic.
It was just a WOW experience :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hot on eColve

There are some interesting topics being discussed on eColve (

1. How to reduce disposable cup wastage
2. Concept of stickys to make people aware
3. Bio diesel and opportunities

Do visit and contribute

Monday, June 11, 2007

Photograph competition at eColve


Environmental volunteers at work

Why this contest

At eColve we encourage people to generate ideas that are practically and economically viable and provide benefit to the environment. In this endeavor we are organizing an international level photograph contest. Through this contest we want to showcase the many ideas that people have and the many ways in which people have been contributing towards the environment around the world.

We believe a great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety. Hence, the theme of the contest is “Volunteers at work”.

Contest details


Participants have to submit a photograph which has them as volunteers. The photograph should:

1. Be clear and bright

2. Clearly show the nature of work volunteers are doing

3. Have the participants in the snap

4. Size of the file should not be more than 256kb

5. Have a caption (brownie points for this)

6. Photograph should be submitted with a small description


· Each participating team can have 3 members

· One member cannot be in more than one team

· Give a wacky name to your team (brownie points for this)

Evaluation Criteria

  • Picture quality
  • Novelty in the volunteer work
  • Difficulty involved in the work
  • Caption and team name
  • Visitors votes
  • Number of people referred to participate

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Evolve to eColve

One of the most popular ideas of this century is the concept of open source. It provides so much to everyone in the Software sphere that people base their research or have their products and services derived out of it. It also provides a free platform for the knowledgeable to share the knowledge.

Now, we at eColve want to extend this analogy to the sphere of Environment. eColve is a forum located at that encourages students, researchers, professionals and experts in the field of environment to share the problems, solutions and take the ideas to implementation. This is a place where you can create intellectual property through discussions, get a feel of acceptance for your product, service or idea, and also provide serious consultancy to the people who need it thus drive a client base from this place. How you want to use it is left to your imagination what we provide is a platform and we try to make this platform as user friendly as possible. Our mission is to act on your feedback and requirements at the forum and get them up as early as possible.

Visit and be a member of this knowledge space.

We close with an eColve quote:

“Knowledge is one of the few things that is growing and is desirable on this globe. So, why not share it and take it beyond the boundaries of ones immediate associate group.”